family at home

Savings & Investments

Join us today and take the first step towards a brighter financial future. Open your savings account with AmeriState Bank and start saving smarter!
Rewarding rates – plus convenient access to your funds
  • Minimum to open - $2,500
  • Interest paid—see us for current rates
  • No more than 6 transfers or withdrawals during 1 calendar month or similar period of at least 4 weeks, to another of your accounts with us or to a third party by means of a pre-authorized or automatic transfer, or telephonic agreement, order or instruction or by check, draft, debit card, or similar order made by you and payable to third parties.
  • $9.50 monthly service charge if balance goes below $2,500
Start saving today – for yourself, your children or your grandchildren
  • Minimum to open - $100
  • Interest paid—see us for current rates
  • No more than 6 transfers or withdrawals during 1 calendar month or similar period of at least 4 weeks, to another of your accounts with us or to a third party by means of a pre-authorized or automatic transfer, or telephonic agreement, order or instruction or by check, draft, debit card, or similar order made by you and payable to third parties.
  • $3.00 monthly service charge if balance goes below $100
Earn top rates with the security that your funds are protected
  • Minimum to open - $1,000
  • Interest paid—see us for current rates
  • Early withdrawal penalty
Begin saving money for your retirement now with a Traditional or Roth IRA
  • Minimum to open - $100
  • Interest paid—see us for current rates
  • Early withdrawal penalty

 For more information or help getting started, please call our customer service representatives at (800) 522-4079.
We look forward to serving you!