Simplify Your Life with Online Bill Pay
Need to pay bills but can’t find the time? Log in to AmeriState Bank’s online banking and enroll in Bill Pay. It’s simple, quick, and easy. You determine who to pay and when; you can even make payments to individuals or your favorite charity. Get started now!
Save time and money by paying your bills online
Say goodbye to buying stamps and writing checks to pay your bills. Sign up and receive our new bill paying service. With Bill Pay you can:
- Pay and store your bills electronically
- Pay-by phone for non-internet customers
- Pay any individual or business with a U.S. address
- Schedule, change or stop single and recurring payments
- Live chat, making questions and answers as simple as a few keystrokes
- Check your history of payments made to each payee
Free Advanced Features:
- GiftPay...unique convenient epayments - looking for the perfect gift that will save you time? GiftPay is the easiest, most convenient way to send gifts to anyone, anytime, and for any occasion. GiftPay not only saves valuable time and costs less than a traditional greeting card with a stamp, but it is also flexible with several different GiftPay check designs.
- Call me Bill telephone bill payment services - No Internet connection? Access and pay bills via your phone! You can use "Call Me Bill" to schedule payments, listen to transaction history or to reach our support center.
Getting started with Bill Pay is simple. Logon to your Online Banking Account, click Bill Payment and follow the instructions.
For more information or help getting started, please call our customer service representatives at (800) 522-4079. We look forward to serving you!