Begin saving money while deferring your tax obligation later in life.
With an IRA you can contribute $3000.00 annually that grows tax free until you withdraw it from the account. Since you are not paying taxes on the annual earnings, your IRA maximizes the effects of compounding interest. After the age of 59 and one-half years you can withdraw the money as you like without penalty.
We offer two different types of IRAs – the Traditional IRA and the ROTH IRA. Both are wonderful savings instruments but have specific advantages depending on your financial circumstances.
To find out which product is best for you use call on our IRA specialists directly at any of our convenient locations.
- Begin saving money for your retirement now with a traditional or Roth IRA
- Minimum to open - $100.00
- Interest paid - contact us for current rates
- Withdrawal limitations - early withdrawal penalty
Traditional IRA
Annual Contributions may be made up to $5,500.00 annually. Catch up contributions are allowed for account holders older than 50. Monies are never taxed until withdrawn. Monies cannot be withdrawn without penalty until age 59.5. Exceptions to the early withdrawal penalty may include: Educational Use, Catastrophic Medical Use, or Purchase of Primary Residence.
Early Withdrawal Penalty is equal to 10% on amounts withdrawn. Monies grow tax deferred and are only taxed when withdrawn. Annual Contributions may be tax deductible based upon your individual and joint income amounts.
Annual Contributions may be made —contact us for current contribution limit. Catch up contributions are allowed for account holders older than 50. Contributions and Withdrawals are never taxed. Monies cannot be withdrawn without penalty until age 59.5 Exceptions to the early withdrawal penalty may include: Education Use, Catastrophic Medical Use, or Purchase of Primary Residence. Early Withdrawal Penalty is equal to 10% on amounts withdrawn.
For more information or help getting started, please call our customer service representatives at (800) 522-4079.
We look forward to serving you!